本帖最后由 starwork 于 2014-7-26 04:26 编辑
手上刚好有NETGEAR R6300 V1,准备刷入,大家坐等我的刷机报告,刷前弱弱的问一下,看后缀是CHK的文件,是不是可以在官方固件下直接升级?还是得刷了DD-WRT再刷入????
NETGEAR R6300的TTL是6针的,123456分别是[VCC] [RX] [ ] [ ] [TX] [GND] ,主板有标记那里是1
CFE for R6300 version: v1.0.5
Build Date: Wed Nov 21 15:03:38 CST 2012
Init Arena
Init Devs.
Boot partition size = 262144(0x40000)
Found an ST compatible serial flash with 32 64KB blocks; total size 2MB
Found a Samsung NAND flash with 2048B pages or 128KB blocks; total size 128MB
et0: Broadcom BCM47XX 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller 5.100.138
CPU type 0x19749: 600MHz
Tot mem: 131072 KBytes
Device eth0: hwaddr 84-1B-5E-2B-6E-D9, ipaddr, mask
gateway not set, nameserver not set
Startup canceled
CFE> ^C /**************************CTRL+C停止,进入CFE
CFE> flash -noheader : nflash1.trx /**************************输入要刷入的文件名字
Reading :: Failed.: Timeout occured /**************************上传慢了,出错
*** command status = -21
CFE> flash -noheader : nflash1.trx /**************************输入要刷入的文件名字
Reading :: Done. 9535546 bytes read /**************************上传开始
Programming...done. 9535546 bytes written
*** command status = 0 /**************************上传成功
CFE> go /**************************输入运行命令
Checking crc...Invalid boot block on disk
Device eth0 has been deactivated.
Device eth0: hwaddr 84-1B-5E-2B-6E-D9, ipaddr, mask
gateway not set, nameserver not set
Start TFTP server /**************************需要再次上传
Reading :: Done. 9535546 bytes read /**************************上传开始
Programming...done. 9535546 bytes written
Decompressing...done /**************************上传成功