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自己WR850G v1刷新 DD-WRT v24 Beta (01/18/07) std 的过程和疑问

发表于 2007-1-23 23:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
按照http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index ... vive_the_dead_beast的提示一步一步来的。但是情况和描述的不一样!!
Upgrading to dd-wrt.v23 SP1/2 and dd-wrt.v24 beta
Don't upgrade to this firmware versions without having read the following paragraph!

It is noted in the above paragraph to not flash dd-wrt sp1 or later. Indeed flashing to any version of dd-wrt sp1 and later (including the new v24 beta) cannot be done without special steps. This is, because the later firmware version use encrypted username and password, and therefore require to do a factory/firmware reset to write this encrypted strings to the nvram. But, as stated below we can never do a factory/firmware reset on WR850G v1 as this will brick the router.On the other hand, without having the encrpyted username/password strings in your router, you wont be able to login to the webinterface or via telnet after upgrading to those new firmware versions! Nevertheless i found a solution to get the beast working with firmwares more recent than v23 (i can confirm this is working with v24 beta, but probably also works with the other releases that use encrpyted passwords):

1. Make you sure you have successfully flashed dd-wrt v23 mini or standard (see instructions above).

2. via telnet or webinterface, change the username/password variables in the nvram, by executing the following commands

nvram set http_username=bJ/GddyoJuiU2
nvram set http_passwd=bJz7PcC1rCRJQ
nvram commit
3. Now unplug the router and plug it back in.

4. Login to the webinterface to confirm the new password is working. Login with username "bJ/GddyoJuiU2" and password "bJz7PcC1rCRJQ"

5. Go to the firmware update tab, and choose the firmware you want to flash on the router (i used dd-wrt.v24_generic.bin). Be sure you have selected to NOT reset after flashing. Click "upgrade" and wait until the flashing process is finished.

6. Now you should be able to login to the new web-interface with the default user/password combination "root/admin".

--SOLiBRA 00:30, 12 Dec 2006 (CET)
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-23 23:18 | 显示全部楼层


1从v23 sp3(恩山刷好的)升级到v24 时候按照上述,用telnet 命令修改成 username=bJ/GddyoJuiU2,http_passwd=bJz7PcC1rCRJQ以后,关电源重开机密码仍旧是原来的root和admin.没法子,以防万一就用web改成了上述用户名和密码,然后退出确认一下后用web刷新了网站提供的v24。按照老外的要求不恢复出厂设置。
2刷新成功后,v24 beta std映入眼帘,但是进入管理页面密码没有使他说的root和admin仍旧是上面的那一大串,(估计这就是它说的encrypted username and password),输如太麻烦了,就盖了回来。
       很遗憾,v24在v1上复位键仍旧没有,有线一切正常,无线部分也没有问题。我就使用linksys wap11当无线网卡写的帖子。还有谁和我一样想体验ddwrt而没有钱买200以上的奢侈品所以省吃俭用用v1的出来交流一下
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

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