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关于Tomato 番茄的QoS讨论。使用tomato的进来

按到理我打开了qos开关,设定Default Class 为class E。
两个class e我都设置到很低水平。


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[ 本帖最后由 A9d07ead 于 2007-2-20 19:07 编辑 ]
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What should I enter for QOS?[toc, link]
This is a tough one to answer since it depends on what you need. But in most cases, simply entering 90% of your maximum upload speed in QOS/Basic, putting your VOIP device's (if you use one) MAC address on "Highest" and on the top of the classification list, and leaving everything else as-is will get you up and running quickly. If you need a more complex setup, check one of the Linksys forums for more examples or additional help.

How does QOS work in general?[toc, link]
Whenever your computer opens a connection to the Internet, the router will try to determine what "class" it should be in by following the "rules" in the QOS/Classification page. A "class" is basically a group rate and speed limit as set in QOS/Basic Settings.

Can you explain how the QOS rules work?[toc, link]
Here's a detailed explanation of the default rules in QOS/Classification: #1: WWW
Class: High
TCP Dst Port: 80,443
Transferred: 0 - 512KB
Connections that have a destination port of 80 or 443 (outbound; 80 is the standard HTTP/WWW port, 443 is the standard HTTPS port), and have transferred LESS than 512 KB of data (outbound / upload) are put in the "High" class.

This makes web browsing a priority, as long as we're not uploading a big file. #2: WWW (512K+)
Class:        Low
TCP Dst Port: 80,443
Transferred: 512KB+
Connections that have a destination port of 80 or 443 (same as rule #1), and have transferred MORE than 512 KB of data (outbound) are put in the "Low" class.

This makes sure long browser uploads do not monopolize the bandwidth. It also makes sure other applications that may use the same ports, like P2P, do not hog the bandwidth. #3: DNS
Class: Highest
TCP/UDP Dst Port: 53
Transferred: 0 - 2KB
Connections that have a destination port of 53 (outbound), and have transferred less than 2 KB of data (outbound / upload) are put in the "Highest" class.

This makes DNS lookup a priority. #4: DNS (2K+)
Class: Lowest
TCP/UDP Dst Port: 53
Transferred: 2KB+
Connections that have a destination port of 53 (same as rule #3), and have transferred more than 2 KB of data (outbound) are put in the "Lowest" class.

This makes sure other applications that may use the same ports, like P2P, do not hog the bandwidth. #5: Bulk Traffic
Class: Lowest
TCP/UDP Dst Port: 1024-65535
Connections that have a destination port of 1024 to 65535 are put in the "Lowest" class.

High port numbers are often used for non-essential services like P2P, so this puts them in the "Lowest" class.

And finally... Ports 1 to 1023, which doesn't match any of the rules above, are set to the default (see QOS/Basic Settings) "Low" class.

Additional notes:
The rules are evaluated top to bottom, as shown in the GUI. The *first* one that matches sets the class.
#2, #4, #5 set the class permanently since once they match, there's no possible change left to expect. #1 and #3 set the class temporarily since changes to bytes transferred may go beyond the specified limit.
Why are there "unclassified" connections listed in QOS/Detailed View?[toc, link]
Connections that travel from your computer directly to the router (the endpoint is the router) are never classified. Connections that travel from the Internet to your computer or router, but not the other way around (ignored) are also not classified.
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