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THU Swordbill系列移动硬盘盒测评

本帖最后由 RightDrive 于 2020-6-15 09:35 编辑

THU SwordbillExternal Hard Drive Enclosure for 2.5 Inch SATA SSD HDD
THU Swordbill 外置2.5寸SATA协议移动硬盘盒

The THU SwordbillSeries External Hard Drive Enclosure is a transparent drive enclosure with highperformance of transmission speed. It has two types of specification, USB 3.0and Type-C.
THU Swordbill 系列外置移动硬盘是一款有着高性能,高传输速度的白色透明移动硬盘盒。该产品有两种产品款式,一种是USB 3.0接口,另一种是Type-C接口。

Design andFeatures

THU Swordbill 外置移动硬盘有着优雅的外观和全透明的设计。当你拿起这个移动硬盘时,它的重量超出你的想象,不到100克的重量让您体验全新的手感。相信大多数人都很难拒绝这种顺滑的、具有透明电路的科技美感。不论您选择哪种型号的硬盘,它都绝对是充满科技感的。更重要的是,这款透明的硬盘盒虽然很轻薄,但是绝对能够保护您的硬盘安全。
Measuring 4.9 by3.1 by 0.5 inches, the THU Swordbill External Hard Drive Enclosure is anelegant case with transparent design. When you pick it up, the weight is beyondyour imagination, that is only weights 3.5 ounces and has an oddly hollowfeeling to it. At any rate, it is tough to deny the aesthetic appeal of itssmooth surface and circuit board. Regardless of which type you choose; theresult is a drive enclosure with sense of technology. More importantly, thetransparent casing is thick enough to protect your drive, and it accordinglyfeels comfortable in the hand.

THU Swordbill 外置硬盘盒的安装很简单,只需您轻轻一推,前面盖板就被打开。此时,将您最喜爱的移动硬盘放入即可。在移动硬盘的顶部,有着USB 3.0的接口或者Type-C的接口,同时兼容SATA 协议。在给此移动硬盘通电的同时,移动硬盘带有蓝色的LED提示灯,当传输文件时,LED提示灯会闪烁。具有第二代 Type-C规格的移动硬盘盒最高可以支持到4TB,另外带有USB 3.0接口的硬盘盒最高可以支持6TB的2.5寸硬盘。 两款不同型号的移动硬盘盒都支持UASP和TRIM协议,能够降低您的CPU占有率以及加速SSD的读写速度。同时,该移动硬盘盒还提供智能睡眠功能,能够让您的硬盘使用寿命延长。THUSwordbill 系列移动硬盘兼容 Windows(2000/XP/7/8/10))、Mac 9.1 以上和Linux系统,该厂商还提供一年的质保期。
The installationof the THU Swordbill External Hard Disk enclosure is extremely simple, you onlyneed to slide the front cover down, then you can put your favorite hard drivein. There was no issue that I encountered when I was installing my hard driveinto it. The top of the enclosure has a Type-C port or USB 3.0 port of outputwhich compatible with SATA protocol. A blue light is emitted from an LEDactivity light between these ports. The case with Gen2 Type-C port support thecapacity of hard drive up to 4TB, and the one with USB 3.0 port support thecapacity of hard drive up to 6TB. They both adhere UASP and TRM protocol, whichreduce the CPU utilization and increase the speed of read and write. The THUSwordbill Transparent External Hard Drive Enclosure is compatible withWindows(2000/XP/7/8/10), Mac 9.1 and above, and Linux. It is covered byone-year warranty.

在测试该移动硬盘盒之后,它的表现绝对符合预期。我使用了THU Swordbill 同系列的 120G SATA3接口的SSD,在安装的时候没有碰到任何问题,上手轻松简单。测试软件我使用的是 CrystalDiskMark、AS SSD Benchmark、ATTO Disk Benchmark 和HD Tune Pro。
Testing the External Hard Drive Enclosure revealed that it functionsexactly as one would expect. I prepared a THU Swordbill 120GB SATA3 SSD, andencountered no problems with either Gen2 Type-C or USB 3.0 connections. Ofcourse, it is also backwards-compatible, so it can also function via USB 2.0.The software that I utilized was CrystalDiskMark, AS SSD Benchmark, ATTO DiskBenchmark, and HD Tune Pro.

测试结果大家都能很直观的看到,THU Swordbill 透明外置移动硬盘盒有着绝佳的性能体验,基本和没有使用移动硬盘盒的SSD性能是一致的。THU Swordbill 120G 固态硬盘有着459.9MB/S、420.87MB/S的读写速度。
As you can see, the THU Swordbill Transparent External Hard DriveEnclosure has excellent preformance. It keeps the same transmission speed asthe hard drive witout utilizing the enclosure. The peak performance of the THUSwordbill 120GB SSD has 459.9 MB/S of reading speed and 420.87 MB/S of writingspeed.

当人们想起外置移动硬盘盒的时候,通常会觉得安装起来很复杂。THU Swordbill 系列移动硬盘盒就打破了这种顾虑,还能提供多种多样的方式让您闲置的2.5寸硬盘再次利用起来。与此同时,THU Swordbill 系列移动硬盘盒还给您带来低延迟、高性能的表现。
When one thinks of external harddrive enclosures, they typically envision a complicated setup process thatrequires the use of tools. The THU Swordbill Hard Disk Enclosure turns thatnotion on its head by offering an easy and highly versatile way to put allthose spare 2.5-inch drives to use in a safe manner. Which also deliver lowlatency, high performance to the user.


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