


楼主: 黄鹤楼


 火.. [复制链接]
发表于 2014-6-14 11:45 | 显示全部楼层
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-15 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 fkpwolf 于 2014-6-15 10:13 编辑

反复试了几下,发现其实前面我的刷机方式(tftp, vmlinuz)并没有刷机,只是从tftp网络启动而已。但是之后启动参数有些问题:
  1. bootargs: boot -raw -z -addr=0x8000 -max=0xef8000 flash0.squashfs:

  1. bootargs: boot -raw -z -addr=0x8000 -max=0xef8000 flash0.os:



哥们。我的小米路由出现跟你一样的毛病,我刷了几十次tftp和Reset都没发生改变。。  详情 回复 发表于 2014-7-6 00:12
难道是因为小米路由硬件版本的问题导致刷机不成的?不知你的tftp 上传成功没有,能否提供一个TFTP全过程的TTL信息  详情 回复 发表于 2014-6-16 20:34
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-16 10:23 | 显示全部楼层
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-16 20:34 | 显示全部楼层
fkpwolf 发表于 2014-6-15 10:11
反复试了几下,发现其实前面我的刷机方式(tftp, vmlinuz)并没有刷机,只是从tftp网络启动而已。但是之后 ...

难道是因为小米路由硬件版本的问题导致刷机不成的?不知你的tftp 上传成功没有,能否提供一个TFTP全过程的TTL信息
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-16 20:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 黄鹤楼 于 2014-6-16 21:08 编辑
fkpwolf 发表于 2014-6-14 09:40
一样,点upload后。 网页无法显示

  1. Loader:raw Filesys:tftp Dev:eth0 File: Options:(null)


2. 将固件重命名为vmlinuz与tftpd32.exe放在同一个文件夹下,与  运行tftpd32.exe,并确保软件已经加载自己的IP


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我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-16 21:16 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-16 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 fkpwolf 于 2014-6-17 09:58 编辑


我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-16 22:41 | 显示全部楼层


DD我暂时没有研究,目前正在着力搞定海蜘蛛的固件 你看一下TTL信息里面,会出现eth1和eth2报错,是因为R7000和小米的硬件定义不一致导致的,所以无线没有启动,需要自己改nvram  详情 回复 发表于 2014-6-17 08:37
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-17 08:37 | 显示全部楼层
fkpwolf 发表于 2014-6-16 22:41

我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-17 08:41 | 显示全部楼层

  1. 无线驱动识别关键代码
  2. 原始代码
  3. nvram set sromrev=11
  4. nvram set pci/2/1/pcieingress_war=15
  5. nvram set pci/1/1/pcieingress_war=15
  6. nvram set pci/2/1/devid=0x43a9
  7. nvram set pci/1/1/devid=0x43b3
  8. nvram set pci/1/1/sromrev=11
  9. nvram set pci/2/1/sromrev=8

  10. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw805glpo=0xaa842222
  11. nvram set pci/1/1/sb20in80and160lr5gmpo=0
  12. nvram set pci/1/1/aa5g=7
  13. nvram set pci/1/1/sar5g=15
  14. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw805ghpo=0x85542000
  15. nvram set pci/1/1/rawtempsense=0x1ff
  16. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw1605gmpo=0
  17. nvram set pci/1/1/tworangetssi5g=0
  18. nvram set pci/1/1/sb20in40lrpo=0
  19. nvram set pci/1/1/sb40and80lr5gmpo=0
  20. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw405glpo=0xa8842222
  21. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghelnagaina0=2
  22. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghelnagaina1=2
  23. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghelnagaina2=3
  24. nvram set pci/1/1/gainctrlsph=0
  25. nvram set pci/1/1/papdcap5g=0
  26. nvram set pci/1/1/sb20in80and160hr5gmpo=0
  27. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw405ghpo=0x85542000
  28. nvram set pci/1/1/tempcorrx=0x3f
  29. nvram set pci/1/1/tssiposslope5g=1
  30. nvram set pci/1/1/mcslr5gmpo=0
  31. nvram set pci/1/1/rxchain=7
  32. nvram set pci/1/1/sb40and80hr5gmpo=0
  33. nvram set pci/1/1/maxp5ga0=0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E
  34. nvram set pci/1/1/maxp5ga1=0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E
  35. nvram set pci/1/1/maxp5ga2=0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E
  36. nvram set pci/1/1/sb20in80and160lr5glpo=0
  37. nvram set pci/1/1/pa5ga0=0xFF90,0x1E37,0xFCB8,0xFF38,0x189B,0xFD00,0xff33,0x1a66,0xfcc4,0xFF2F,0x1748,0xFD21
  38. nvram set pci/1/1/pa5ga1=0xFF1B,0x18A2,0xFCB6,0xFF34,0x183F,0xFD12,0xff37,0x1aa1,0xfcc0,0xFF2F,0x1889,0xFCFB
  39. nvram set pci/1/1/boardflags=0x30000000
  40. nvram set pci/1/1/pa5ga2=0xff1d,0x1653,0xfd33,0xff38,0x1a2a,0xfcce,0xff35,0x1a93,0xfcc1,0xff3a,0x1abd,0xfcc0
  41. nvram set pci/1/1/tempoffset=255
  42. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw1605glpo=0
  43. nvram set pci/1/1/sb20in80and160lr5ghpo=0
  44. nvram set pci/1/1/boardvendor=0x14e4
  45. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw1605ghpo=0
  46. nvram set pci/1/1/sb40and80lr5glpo=0
  47. nvram set pci/1/1/subband5gver=0x4
  48. nvram set pci/1/1/measpower=0x7f
  49. nvram set pci/1/1/dot11agduplrpo=0
  50. nvram set pci/1/1/sb40and80lr5ghpo=0
  51. nvram set pci/1/1/venid=0x14e4
  52. nvram set pci/1/1/sb20in80and160hr5glpo=0
  53. nvram set pci/1/1/sb20in40hrpo=0
  54. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw205gmpo=0x88642222
  55. nvram set pci/1/1/mcslr5glpo=0
  56. nvram set pci/1/1/sb20in80and160hr5ghpo=0
  57. nvram set pci/1/1/tempsense_slope=0xff
  58. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmtrelnabypa0=1
  59. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmtrelnabypa1=1
  60. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmtrelnabypa2=1
  61. nvram set pci/1/1/epagain5g=0
  62. nvram set pci/1/1/sb40and80hr5glpo=0
  63. nvram set pci/1/1/mcslr5ghpo=0
  64. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghtrelnabypa0=1
  65. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghtrelnabypa1=1
  66. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghtrelnabypa2=1
  67. nvram set pci/1/1/boardflags2=0x300002
  68. nvram set pci/1/1/sb40and80hr5ghpo=0
  69. nvram set pci/1/1/boardflags3=0x0
  70. nvram set pci/1/1/aga0=01
  71. nvram set pci/1/1/aga1=01
  72. nvram set pci/1/1/aga2=133
  73. nvram set pci/1/1/measpower1=0x7f
  74. nvram set pci/1/1/measpower2=0x7f
  75. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gtrelnabypa0=1
  76. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gtrelnabypa1=1
  77. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gtrelnabypa2=1
  78. nvram set pci/1/1/txchain=7
  79. nvram set pci/1/1/pdgain5g=4
  80. nvram set pci/1/1/antswitch=0
  81. nvram set pci/1/1/temps_hysteresis=15
  82. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw205glpo=0x88642222
  83. nvram set pci/1/1/temps_period=15
  84. nvram set pci/1/1/dot11agduphrpo=0
  85. nvram set pci/1/1/pdoffset80ma0=0
  86. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw805gmpo=0xaa842222
  87. nvram set pci/1/1/pdoffset80ma1=0
  88. nvram set pci/1/1/pdoffset80ma2=0
  89. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw205ghpo=0x55540000
  90. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmtrisoa0=5
  91. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmtrisoa1=4
  92. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmtrisoa2=4
  93. nvram set pci/1/1/phycal_tempdelta=255
  94. nvram set pci/1/1/xtalfreq=0x40000
  95. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gelnagaina0=1
  96. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gelnagaina1=1
  97. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gelnagaina2=1
  98. nvram set pci/1/1/femctrl=3
  99. nvram set pci/1/1/ccode=CN
  100. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gtrisoa0=7
  101. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gtrisoa1=6
  102. nvram set pci/1/1/pdoffset40ma0=0x1111
  103. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gtrisoa2=5
  104. nvram set pci/1/1/pdoffset40ma1=0x1111
  105. nvram set pci/1/1/pdoffset40ma2=0x1111
  106. nvram set pci/1/1/mcsbw405gmpo=0xa8842222
  107. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghtrisoa0=5
  108. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghtrisoa1=4
  109. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5ghtrisoa2=4
  110. nvram set pci/1/1/regrev=35
  111. nvram set pci/1/1/tempsense_option=0x3
  112. nvram set pci/1/1/tempthresh=255
  113. nvram set pci/1/1/macaddr=10:48:b1:38:c8:b7
  114. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmelnagaina0=2
  115. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmelnagaina1=2
  116. nvram set pci/1/1/rxgains5gmelnagaina2=3

  117. nvram set pci/2/1/mcs2gpo0=0x8888
  118. nvram set pci/2/1/mcs2gpo1=0x8888
  119. nvram set pci/2/1/mcs2gpo2=0x8888
  120. nvram set pci/2/1/leddc=65535
  121. nvram set pci/2/1/mcs2gpo3=0xddb8
  122. nvram set pci/2/1/mcs2gpo4=0x8888
  123. nvram set pci/2/1/mcs2gpo5=0xa988
  124. nvram set pci/2/1/bwduppo=0
  125. nvram set pci/2/1/txchain=3
  126. nvram set pci/2/1/stbcpo=0
  127. nvram set pci/2/1/mcs2gpo6=0x8888
  128. nvram set pci/2/1/mcs2gpo7=0xddc8
  129. nvram set pci/2/1/phycal_tempdelta=0
  130. nvram set pci/2/1/rssismf2g=0
  131. nvram set pci/2/1/ccode=CN
  132. nvram set pci/2/1/boardflags=0x80001000
  133. nvram set pci/2/1/tempoffset=0
  134. nvram set pci/2/1/pa2gw2a0=0xf95d
  135. nvram set pci/2/1/pa2gw2a1=0xf94f
  136. nvram set pci/2/1/tempsense_option=0x0
  137. nvram set pci/2/1/tempcorrx=0x0
  138. nvram set pci/2/1/pdetrange2g=3
  139. nvram set pci/2/1/macaddr=10:48:b1:bb:e9:2d
  140. nvram set pci/2/1/cck2gpo=0x8880
  141. nvram set pci/2/1/cddpo=0
  142. nvram set pci/2/1/pa2gw1a0=0x1c37
  143. nvram set pci/2/1/pa2gw1a1=0x1c5c
  144. nvram set pci/2/1/measpower1=0x0
  145. nvram set pci/2/1/measpower2=0x0
  146. nvram set pci/2/1/bw40po=0
  147. nvram set pci/2/1/temps_period=0
  148. nvram set pci/2/1/antswctl2g=0
  149. nvram set pci/2/1/measpower=0x0
  150. nvram set pci/2/1/opo=68
  151. nvram set pci/2/1/bxa2g=0
  152. nvram set pci/2/1/freqoffset_corr=0x0
  153. nvram set pci/2/1/ledbh0=255
  154. nvram set pci/2/1/ledbh1=255
  155. nvram set pci/2/1/ledbh2=255
  156. nvram set pci/2/1/rxchain=3
  157. nvram set pci/2/1/ledbh3=131
  158. nvram set pci/2/1/tssipos2g=1
  159. nvram set pci/2/1/hw_iqcal_en=0x0
  160. nvram set pci/2/1/rxpo2g=0
  161. nvram set pci/2/1/pa2gw0a0=0xfe77
  162. nvram set pci/2/1/pa2gw0a1=0xfe76
  163. nvram set pci/2/1/elna2g=2
  164. nvram set pci/2/1/tempsense_slope=0x0
  165. nvram set pci/2/1/antswitch=0
  166. nvram set pci/2/1/rawtempsense=0x0
  167. nvram set pci/2/1/tempthresh=120
  168. nvram set pci/2/1/extpagain2g=3
  169. nvram set pci/2/1/triso2g=4
  170. nvram set pci/2/1/rssismc2g=0
  171. nvram set pci/2/1/itt2ga1=32
  172. nvram set pci/2/1/boardrev=0x1301
  173. nvram set pci/2/1/aa2g=3
  174. nvram set pci/2/1/ag0=2
  175. nvram set pci/2/1/rssisav2g=0
  176. nvram set pci/2/1/ag1=2
  177. nvram set pci/2/1/iqcal_swp_dis=0x0
  178. nvram set pci/2/1/maxp2ga0=0x2072
  179. nvram set pci/2/1/maxp2ga1=0x2072
  180. nvram set pci/2/1/boardflags2=0x0800
  181. nvram set pci/2/1/regrev=28
  182. nvram set pci/2/1/temps_hysteresis=0
  183. nvram set pci/2/1/ofdm2gpo=0xaa888888
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-17 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢。我看了下kernel version,
  1. Linux version 3.10.25 (root@dd-wrt.buildserver) (gcc version 4.8.2 (OpenWrt/Linaro GCC 4.8-2013.10 r38451) )



目前没有编译DD-WRT,固件是在DD网站上下载的  详情 回复 发表于 2014-6-17 11:42
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-17 11:42 | 显示全部楼层
fkpwolf 发表于 2014-6-17 10:40
谢谢。我看了下kernel version,

这个是DD-WRT官方内核么,LZ是直接修改了R7000的固件?有没有办法自己 ...



楼主,刷了你打包的DD-WRT固件,却收不到无线信号,难道是固件里无线驱动不对?  详情 回复 发表于 2014-6-27 23:23
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-19 15:33 | 显示全部楼层
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-19 16:58 | 显示全部楼层
看来以后趋势,玩BCM 4709。
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-6-19 19:15 | 显示全部楼层
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

使用道具 举报

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